News and media


President's Update - 21 January 2025

Happy New Year and welcome to 2025, which is expected to be another busy year for councils, especially with a federal election looming. I’m pleased to announce registrations for the 2025 National General Assembly, and our new Local Government Tech Leadership Summit are now open. This year’s NGA will be held in Canberra from 24-27+

National warnings webinar

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) held a National Warnings Webinar on 6 December 2024, with Australian, state, territory and local governments, districts and industries to discuss public messaging and weather warnings. The webinar covered topics including the roles of different levels of government in issuing warnings, warning message protocols and the information they contain,+

National Housing Infrastructure Facility – Crisis and Transitional Housing funding

Housing Australia has developed new guidance for the National Housing Infrastructure Facility (NHIF) program, designed to increase the supply of crisis and transitional housing for women and children experiencing domestic violence, and youth experiencing homelessness. The NHIF – which is available to local governments or local-government owned corporations – involves a $1 billion, demand-driven program+


Policy Updates

Submission to Glasser and Colvin reviews

ALGA made a submission to the Independent Review of National Natural Disaster Governance Arrangements, led by Dr Robert Glasser, and the Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding, led by Andrew Colvin. Both reviews highlighted the need to improve arrangements for disaster management and referenced the key role of local government. ALGA supported the recommendations and+

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Policy Focus: Reducing waste in local communities

ALGA, in collaboration with state and territory local government associations, has been advocating to the Commonwealth on waste and recycling policies and reforms to benefit local government. Key reforms include: Updating the Action Plan for the National Waste Policy, Options for reforming packaging regulation, Developing a National Kerbside Harmonisation Roadmap (including consulting on a ‘pathway’+

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Submission to Packaging Regulation Reform Consultation Paper

ALGA has provided a submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water’s (DCCEEW) Reform of Packaging Regulations Consultation Paper. The submission said local government plays a crucial role in diverting waste from landfills, especially as Australia’s waste is a growing problem that has broad impacts for local communities. In the last decade,+

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