Good morning,

I’m writing to personally thank you for your recent support of our ‘endthefreeze’ political email campaign.

Your support helped our campaign drum up 100 emails that were sent to politicians across the country and across all parties, which has certainly gained the attention of Ministers and federal members in Canberra.

The Opposition has publicly reiterated its support to end the Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs) indexation freeze, and Senators and Members have submitted motions, questions in writing and made statements in Parliament urging the Government to deliver on its promise to restore indexation to FAGs in May’s budget.

But more needs to be done to get the Government over the line and I’m seeking your support for one more public push.

We will be amplifying our campaign message with scheduled social media messages. If you have a Twitter and/or Facebook account, please join ALGA and other councils to ensure the Government hears our united message loud and clear: End the Freeze, Restore Indexation.

Joining takes less than 2 minutes – here’s how.

The scheduled messages will be sent at 11am on 21 April, so it would be great if you could join today for this to have the desired effect, and also encourage your council to join using the council’s Twitter account.

Together, we can hold the Government to its promise to restore indexation to FAGs in the 2017-18 Federal Budget.



David O’Loughlin

Mayor, City of Prospect

President, Australian Local Government Association