News and media


President's Update - 29 July 2024

National Housing Summit We are less than three weeks away from our inaugural National Local Government Housing Summit. This summit will be held at Adelaide Town Hall on Friday 16 August, and the event is an opportunity for us to follow up and expand on discussions we had around affordable housing at our NGA in+

Local government housing survey

ALGA has engaged Equity Economics to undertake research into the support Australia’s local governments need to help increase affordable housing supply. This research will be launched at the National Local Government Housing Summit in Adelaide on 16 August. To inform the research, a short survey has been developed on the barriers councils face in housing development.+

2024 NGA Listening Sessions

A major highlight of the 2024 National General Assembly was four new listening sessions held on 2 July on housing and community infrastructure, emergency management, roads and transport and energy transition. Facilitated by the Melbourne Leadership Group, these sessions featured a free-flowing exchange of ideas and debate between councils, the federal public service and other+


Policy Updates

Submission to Inquiry into local government sustainability

On behalf of all Australian councils, ALGA lodged a comprehensive, evidence-based submission to Federal Parliament’s inquiry into local government sustainability. We made five key recommendations to the Parliamentary Committee, with our number one priority being increasing untied federal funding for local government to at least one per cent of Commonwealth taxation revenue. Read submission

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New SGS research about local government sustainability

SGS Economics and Planning partner Marcus Spiller launched new research about local government financial sustainability in Australia at the 2024 NGA on 3 July. The report analyses long-term trends in financial sustainability of Australia’s 537 councils, and was prepared to support ALGA’s submission to the inquiry into local government sustainability. Some of the key findings+

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2024 National State of the Assets Report

The 2024 National State of the Assets Report – Future proofing our communities is the 6th in a series of comprehensive reports commissioned by ALGA, based on survey data from 458 councils (about 85 per cent of local governments) across eight asset categories. The report was prepared with the support of IPWEA. Download a copy of+

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