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There’s a great deal of support available to people in drought-affected regions, but it can be hard to stay across all of the assistance that is on offer at the national, state and local level. The Federal Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PMC) has developed a communication pack to highlight the broad range of support available+
Posted 7 December, 2018 -
The lack of affordable rental properties and affordable home ownership is causing significant social and economic impacts in Australia’s cities and regions. Homelessness and housing stress can profoundly affect the mental and physical health of individuals and families, as well as impact on their education and employment opportunities and their ability to participate fully in+
Posted 7 December, 2018 -
The Federal Government has pledged to invest $26 million to boost aerial firefighting capabilities across Australia, support a new national fire rating program and extend funding for a community alert system. The funding will help support Australians confronting the challenges of natural hazards and reduce the impact they have on communities and the economy. The+
Posted 7 December, 2018 -
Minister for Regional Services, Senator Bridget McKenzie, has tabled the report of the 2018 Regional Telecommunications Review, which makes a series of recommendations to improve telecommunications services in regional, rural and remote Australia. The report 2018 Regional Telecommunications Review: Getting it right out there puts forward 10 recommendations to: improve access to telecommunications infrastructure, ensure modern and+
Posted 7 December, 2018 -
The nation’s environment ministers will meet today at Parliament House in Canberra to review the proposed updated National Waste Policy and discuss other national environmental issues. I’m looking forward to attending in my official capacity as ALGA President and ensuring the issues important to our sector get some traction at this influential forum. In particular,+
Posted 7 December, 2018