Environment protection advocacy

ALGA, in collaboration with state and territory associations, continues to ensure the Federal Government is aware of local government perspectives and needs as part of proposed reforms to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act).

The Commonwealth is establishing new National Environment Standards under the EPBC Act, including for environmental, social and governance expectations.

ALGA, and our associations, recently met with the Commonwealth’s Nature Positive Taskforce, focusing on standards for regional planning, data and information, community engagement and First Nations engagement.

We highlighted reforms should ensure:

  • Councils are notified when a project in their LGA has been referred for assessment under the EPBC Act.
  • Assessment times and delays are addressed, so councils proposing new infrastructure and assets which trigger EPBC Act assessment may efficiently continue to service their communities.
  • New or reformed requirements are streamlined with existing state and territory laws and regulations to make it easier to navigate regulation and compliance.
  • Local governments are engaged where the Commonwealth and state or territory governments are designing new regional planning pilots.
  • The Commonwealth consider how existing council works to protect biodiversity and ecosystems, for the national benefit, can be properly compensated.

The Government is expected to release an exposure draft of proposed changes to the EPBC Act prior to introducing bills to Parliament.