5G’s digital divide; Circular Economy | ALGA News 27 September 2019

President's column

There have been many issues affecting regional and rural Australia on which ALGA has been advocating in recent months – jobs, visas and drought assistance. Some three quarters of Australia’s local governments are in rural, remote or regional areas of Australia, with many local governments actively trying to attract and retain workers and residents in+

5G will widen city and rural digital divide: tech consultants

The fifth generation of mobile technology, which works alongside 4G infrastructure, will take a decade to deploy and its challenges for carriers will mean a bigger digital divide between city and rural communities, technology consultants have said. Given previous experiences, it’s unlikely Australia’s telecommunications companies will agree to share fixtures as they roll out 5G+

2019 Roads Congress Profiles – Recycled roads and circular economy

Some councils want to better engage with Australia’s circular economy to save them money and ease pressures on their material collection services. This is particularly the case with old rubber tyres, some 56 million of which are discarded in Australia every year. Steering some of those tyres away from landfill and into road resurfacing will+

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