Climate change, planning, and zero carbon strategies unveiled | ALGA News 20 September 2019

President's column

This week I want to give thanks to the many councils and communities across Australia who have rallied in difficult circumstances in the face of weather extremes. The continuing drought across much of the eastern seaboard has been compounded by dozens of bush fires across northern NSW and southern Queensland during the first few weeks+

Climate change, planning, and zero carbon strategies unveiled

With the Australian Capital Territory set to be powered by 100 percent renewables by 2020, the ACT Government has released a new Climate Change strategy that includes efficient buildings, reducing waste generation, and incorporating climate resilience into development applications and planning policies. The Climate Change strategy complements the government’s 2018 strategies for planning, housing, and+

SA Councils’ recyclables project; ABS updates waste data

Small steps to tackle and better understand Australia’s waste and recycling challenges this week include a new purchasing agreement between South Australian councils, and the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ expansion of waste collection data. The Local Government Association of South Australia announced it will lead a circular procurement pilot project in which nine councils have+

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