Climate change resilience | ALGA News 26 July 2019

President's column

Communities across Australia are either currently facing drought, tentatively recovering from it, or have been affected by it in the past. With climate change we are advised to expect more frequent and harsher droughts. Consequently the passing of the Future Drought Fund legislation through Parliament was important for local governments. The fund will be for+

Councils take lead on climate change resilient communities

Local councils across Australia are preparing their communities for climate change via a range of actions including information sessions from environmental psychologists to curbing their emissions sources to conducting risk and insurance assessments. Taking urgent action on climate change was a major theme among the resolutions passed at the National General Assembly of Local Government+

2019 NALG profile – City of Belmont (WA)

What do you do if you find a lonely monster in your neighbourhood? Help them make friends, and tell their story in a children’s book. That’s what happened to Western Australia’s City of Belmont, which won the 2019 National Award for Local Government Creating Vibrant and Cohesive Communities Through the Arts category for its Adventures+

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