New Centre for Population | ALGA News 12 July 2019

President's column

Water security and reliability is again in the national headlines following the ABC TV Four Corners report into the Murray Darling Basin, and the Federal Government decision to wind up the Drought Task Force and fold it into the Department of Agriculture. ALGA has expressed its concerns to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet+

Commonwealth Treasury creates Centre for Population

A new Centre for Population has been created within the Commonwealth Department of Treasury to help all levels of government better understand population changes in cities, towns, regions, states and territories. The Centre was established on 1 July with a budget of $23.4 million to provide detailed advice and analysis on numerous population topics. It+

2019 NALG profile – Moreton Bay Regional Council, QLD

A Queensland council’s program for children who have special needs such as low-sensory environments, that began in its libraries and has now expanded to art galleries and museums, has received the National Award for Local Government Disability Access and Inclusion category. The Backstage Pass program, operated after hours by Moreton Bay Regional Council and partner+

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