Regions funding, recycling, road safety & aerodromes | ALGA News 15 November 2019

President's column

This week has been National Recycling Week, a chance for councils across Australia to highlight the major role local government plays in dealing with the country’s waste challenges and opportunities. Some held tours of waste transfer and recycling facilities, or promoted the range of recycling services they offer, or will be introducing, or explained the+

New round of Building Better Regions Fund opens

Councils in drought-affected areas are encouraged to apply for the $200m fourth round of the Commonwealth’s Building Better Regions Fund (BRRF), which opened on 14 November and closes on 19 December. There is money for both infrastructure projects and also grants for community investments, and all drought-hit councils can apply, not just the 128  eligible+

New discussion paper for National General Assembly motions

A new discussion paper from the Australian Local Government Association  welcomes motions for the next National General Assembly (NGA) of Local Government, which will be held in Canberra from 14-17 June 2020. Motions can be submitted between 18 November 2019 and 27 March 2020, and must address the NGA’s theme of “working together for our+

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