President’s Update – 21 October 2024

In my first few weeks as President, I’ve spoken to several national media outlets, including The Australian Financial Review and Government News to highlight how councils can play a bigger role in addressing Australia’s housing crisis.

We need to stop the ‘blame game’ around housing supply, and the barriers to increasing affordable housing must be addressed by all stakeholders, including the private sector and all levels of government.

Homes without key infrastructure like roads, sewerage, water and access to local parks and community services are pointless.  So it’s vital we build sustainable communities, not just more homes, and this needs forward planning and thinking – something councils are very good at and take seriously.

We need federal, state and territory governments to partner with local government to identify more revenue streams – paid directly to councils – to close the minimum $5.7 billion infrastructure gap.

Next month, I will visit Canberra to raise this issue with senior Ministers, MPs and Senators.  I will also highlight the key role we can play in improving local infrastructure, preparing for natural disasters, and supporting the nation’s energy transition.

State conferences

I was delighted to deliver my first official speech at the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) annual conference on 8 October in Perth.

At the Mayors and Presidents Forum, I highlighted the importance of financial sustainability for Australia’s 537 councils, and the need to create stronger partnerships with all levels of government to provide effective local solutions to national priorities.

I’m also looking forward to presenting to Queensland councils and leaders at the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) conference in Brisbane tomorrow.

It’s been fantastic talking to local Mayors, Shire Presidents and Councillors and I look forward to meeting more of you at state and territory conferences in the coming months.

Register for 2024 Roads Congress

Finally, a reminder early bird tickets close on 15 November for the 2024 National Local Roads, Transport & Infrastructure Congress.

This year’s event – which features a range of high-profile speakers and experts – will be held at Margaret River in Western Australia from 3-4 December.

You can view the conference program here.  I hope to see you there.