Last week the MAV presented as a witness to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety in Adelaide, which provided the opportunity to reinforce our sector’s national position on the future reform of community aged care.
The fifty-minute evidence covered key aspects of the MAV’s written submission which included contributions from the ALGA, and the Local Government Associations of NSW and SA. The MAV evidence reinforced the need for ongoing funding certainty for the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and proposed the discontinuation of Level 1 Home Care Packages to be rolled into the funding allocation for CHSP. The MAV also recommended the provision of growth funding to cater for the increased numbers of older people requiring community care support.
The Commission is due to deliver an interim report by 31 October 2019, with a final report by 30 April 2020.
For more information see the MAV’s Fix Community Care campaign, which is focused on securing political party commitments ahead of the upcoming federal election.