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Commonwealth Local Government Forum 2019 Conference in Sri Lanka in August

ALGA is a member of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) which aims to promote and strengthen effective democratic local government throughout the Commonwealth, to build local government capacity and to facilitate the exchange of good practice in local government structures and services.

The CLGF holds a conference every two years and ALGA has been advised that the next conference will be held in Colombo in Sri Lanka between 6 – 9 August. The CLGF “Save the Date” notice can be found here http://www.clgf.org.uk/.

The conference is expected to attract 600 senior politicians and local government policy makers from over 50 countries and its outcomes will, in line with past practice, be submitted for formal endorsement to the 2020 Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, scheduled to be held in Rwanda.

ALGA attended the last conference in Malta in November 2017 and we noted that in addition to ALGA there were several Australian delegates, including a state local government association, and representatives from several councils. The ALGA Board is keen to make sure Australia’s contribution to the conference is maximized through coordinating an Australian presence so if your council is thinking of attending please let the ALGA Secretariat know by emailing us at alga@alga.asn.au.