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Reprieve for council-run childcare centres in NSW

The NSW Government has announced funding of up to $82 million to be shared amongst 260 council-run childcare centres across the state.

LGNSW President Linda Scott said that without the six-month rescue package, “we were looking at the closure of council-run childcare centres.

The NSW government is also looking to cut red tape and fast-track planning processes to maintain construction activity during the Covid-19 crisis.

An “acceleration program” for the planning system will see:

  • Fast-track assessments of State Significant Developments, rezonings and development applications (DAs), with more decisions to be made by the Minister if required;
  • Support for councils and planning panels to fast-track local and regionally significant DAs;
  • A “one stop shop” for industry introduced to progress projects that may be “stuck in the system”;
  • Additional Acting Commissioners for the Land and Environment Court to clear its case backlog; and
  • $70 million invested to co-fund vital new community infrastructure in North West Sydney, including roads, drainage and public parks to enable the construction of thousands of new houses.