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Submission to Biosecurity Strategy Action Plan

ALGA has provided a submission to the Federal Government’s National Biosecurity Strategy Action Plan.

The submission highlighted local governments are vital delivery partners in Australia’s biosecurity regime.

Councils in urban, regional, rural or remote areas play a role in supporting public awareness and
education, contributing to surveillance, undertake regulation, undertaking weed and pest control,
and contributing to emergency response for biosecurity incidents.   They also provide information
and local insights to other tiers of government to support national biosecurity outcomes.

Read submission

Addressing the Housing Crisis report

AGLA has released the Addressing the Housing Crisis: Unlocking Local Government’s Contribution report by Equity Economics.

The new report highlights opportunities and policy reforms for councils to play a more effective role in accelerating Australia’s housing supply.

In particular, the research shows there’s a $19.4 billion gap in the funding councils receive to deliver the enabling infrastructure necessary for 1.2 million new, well-located homes. This is beyond local governments’ capacity to fund and we need better, more sustainable partnerships with all levels of government.

The Equity Economics report was also informed by a survey of about 130 councils across Australia, which showed:

  • 80 per cent of local governments can’t cover trunk infrastructure expenses. Only 5 per cent of respondents have current annual revenues that cover total annual expenses for trunk infrastructure.
  • 40 per cent of local governments have cut back on new infrastructure developments because of inadequate trunk infrastructure funding.