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State of the Regions Report 2018-19: Trade, Jobs, Growth and Inequality

The latest report prepared by National Economics (the Australian Institute of Economic and Industry Research) brings forth the data and analysis showing a growing inequality between metropolitan and remote/outer lying regions, when looking at the indicators of population, GDP, income from work, productivity and household disposable income. 

A detailed analysis of regional performance is provided across household wealth and income, construction, industry and employment, unemployment and social security take up.

Additional commentary is provided in relation to potential vulnerabilities from Chinese trade, with both indirect and direct exports of both goods and services considered for the 67 defined regions.  Insights are also provided into the energy sector, outlining electricity generation by fuel type by SOR region from both renewable and non-renewable fuel sources.

An overview of the finance sector and its role at the SOR regional scale is also provided, asking, “what should local government be looking for as [scrutiny and changes in the finance sector] plays out?”

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State of the Regions Report 2017-18: Pillars of Regional Growth

This year’s report revisits the critical question of boosting regional economic productivity. It examines the levers that can drive growth and thereby assist to tackle the growing inequality found in parts of Australia.

This year’s report continues to build on the accumulated knowledge of the previous State of the Regions to provide a coherent framework for analysing the challenging task of contributing to sustainable regional development and what this means for all levels of government.

The report includes a discussion of the Productivity Commission’s Initial Report into Transitioning Regional Economies and updates the typologies used to describe Australia’s regions.  It updates our knowledge of the diverse industry structures and regional economic base of Australia’s 67 regions and provides a commentary on regional aspects of the state of income transfers between regions, housing and construction, employment and skills and local government finance.

This year’s report also includes chapters on the growing significance of Intelligent communities, cyber security and energy.

The report provides extensive data for regions covering all of Australia, that includes a chapter on the aggregated regional indicators for the nation, as well as the metropolitan regions of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth, and Northern Australia.

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State of the Regions Report 2015-16: Addressing Regional Inequality

This years report’s major theme  exposes the inequality that exists within and across Australia’s regions.  It reinforces what the OECD  has argued in its report: In It Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits All ( 2015), that there is need for a new policy approaches and investment that seek to decrease inequality and that the adoption of such actions are good for the national economy.

Countering regional inequality needs to go beyond the traditional emphasis on direct tax / transfer redistribution, and focus more on geographically appropriate and targeted investments, including infrastructure provision , training and job creation activities.

The report provides an analysis of the structure of regional incomes and inequality, skills and employment ( including youth unemployment), housing and wealth, state of the roads assets, and updates on telecommunications, the post mining boom, labour productivity and northern Australia.

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