The Government's response to the Senate Select Committee on the National Broadband Network's Second Interim Report has been released, with the Government supporting one of the five recommendations.
The Government supported the recommendation to release the full version of NBN Co's 2015-18 corporate plan when finalised to enable the proper public scrutiny of the project. However, it rejected other recommendations, such as reinstituting the external independent review process of NBN Co’s corporate plan to restore the proper probity to the project, and investigating the governance and probity issues identified in the first and second interim report.
The Senate established the Select Committee on the National Broadband Network on 14 November 2013 to inquire into and report on the Australian Government’s reviews of the national broadband network and the governance of NBN Co Limited.
The Committee’s Terms of Reference included particular reference to:
- the establishment of the Government's Strategic Review of the NBN
- the outcome of the Strategic Review of the NBN
- the establishment and findings of the Government's cost benefit analysis
- the conduct and findings of the Government survey of the availability of broadband in Australia.
Read the Government's full response at this link.