Commonwealth, state and territory ministers met last Friday to discuss progress and achievements under the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children. During the meeting, the ministers endorsed the 2014-15 Annual Progress Report on the Second Action Plan to improve women’s safety.
The report outlines the progress on the 26 practical actions prioritised under the Second Action Plan. Linking short and long term initiatives, the report charts the collective work to drive and implement initiatives that make a difference to women and their children: from primary prevention and early intervention initiatives, to specialist services for women and their children, to effective perpetrator interventions and controls.
The ministers also launched the National Plan website, which was created to share information, research and resources with key stakeholders. It includes information about the initiatives and work being done to prevent violence against women and their children. It also has links to support services and provides practical ways that communities can get involved to promote gender equality and ensure less women experience violence and more women and their children live safely.
Have a look at the new website here.