12 August 2015


Dear local government colleagues,

Last month, the President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), Mayor Troy Pickard, invited Mayors and Shire Presidents from across the country, providing them with an outline brochure and inviting them to ALGA's 2015 National Local Roads and Transport Congress. The Congress is to be held in Ballarat, Victoria, from 17-19 November 2015.

We are writing to follow up Mayor Pickard's invitation.    

In the short time since the brochure was released, the Congress program has developed, with most speakers now confirmed.   

This year's Congress will be focused squarely on the importance of collaboration and fostering strong working relationships across council boundaries, cities, regions and states. As we approach the next Federal Election, it is vital that all political parties recognise and commit to supporting the important role of local government in delivering services to communities and linking them with the rest of the world. The provision and maintenance of sustainable local infrastructure is key to our nation's success and getting this message across to the Government, the Opposition, the Australian Greens and others requires a strong council presence in Ballarat in November.  

Please visit www.alga.asn.au to view the updated program and for more information about the Congress, speakers and registration.


The Australian Local Government Association