Philip Davies was appointed as Infrastructure Australia's (IA) inaugural Chief Executive Officer in March this year. He's a highly qualified engineer and experienced infrastructure executive with more than 25 years of experience in shaping policy, delivering nationally-significant infrastructure projects, and leading reform within the infrastructure sector with valuable experience in both the public and private sectors.
Philip has been busy finalising some of IA's key outputs this year, including the Australian Infrastructure Audit Report. He's now guiding the preparation of the Australian Infrastructure Plan, a 15-year strategic framework that responds to the issues identified in the audit, due for completion later this year. The plan will also incorporate a reinvigorated Infrastructure Priority List.
The topic that Philip will speak on at the Roads Congress is 'Progressing Productivity Reforms'. The insights he will provide on the productivity reforms required to make our transport sector more efficient and responsive will be a highlight for local government leaders and decision makers.
We look forward to Philip's address at the Roads Congress, which is sure to set the scene for the transport reform-related sessions that follow his address at the Congress.
Registrations are open for the 2015 National Local Roads and Transport Congress at this link.