

Is your Council at risk?

According to the latest research on procurement in Local Government, while most Councils have procurement policies, they have very limited transparency, governance and probity over purchasing BELOW the tender threshold.  

A recent white paper produced on Local Government procurement spend demonstrated that;

  • 80% of Local Government purchasing occurs BELOW the tender threshold
  • 93% of Council RFQs (requests for quote) are managed via a manual email process
  • 57% of Councils acknowledge it is 'difficult' or 'very difficult' to demonstrate governance and probity in procurement below tender threshold
  • 50% said the manual purchasing process is the greatest issue in the way buyers obtain quotes

VendorPanel simplifies Council procurement. It reduces risk, increases savings and value, and has everything in one place.

It's a multi-award winning software application trusted by hundreds of Australian governments, universities, utilities and corporations. Used and endorsed by the National Procurement Network, VendorPanel removes the risk associated with manual purchasing processes.

To find out more, and to see what's possible, contact or call our support team on 03 90956181.