The importance of infrastructure and the contribution it makes to economic growth remains a key issue being debated in Australia as we ask ourselves how to fund the infrastructure investment we need, now and into the future.
For many individual councils, local roads and bridges are their single largest area of expenditure and present the greatest challenge in terms of asset management and financial sustainability.
ALGA's work on the 2015 State of the Assets Report clearly shows the challenges faced by councils in managing council infrastructure. The total replacement value of local government assets is estimated to be in excess of $438 billion. This highlights both the scale of the challenge as well as the opportunities for local government to support innovation, development and collaboration.
ALGA's 2016 Local Roads and Transport Congress will be held from 9-11 November in Toowoomba and this year's Congress, themed Local Infrastructure, Developing Regions, will focus on the value and importance of strong regional and local collaboration and how those connections contribute to Australia's economic competitiveness.
In the lead-up to the Congress ALGA is asking councils for high quality examples of regional transport planning that has been undertaken by regional groups of councils, which will be used by ALGA in advocacy for additional support for local governments seeking to unlock the increased productivity of their regional freight routes.
If you think your council or group of councils can help and would like to have your Plan included in ALGA's advocacy resources, please contact ALGA on 02 6122 9400.
I look forward to your case studies and to seeing you in Toowoomba in November.
Mayor Troy Pickard
ALGA President