The ECOCITY Hosts are pleased to announce the Hon Al Gore will be the Principal Speaker at the ECOCITY World Summit to be held in Melbourne from July 12 – 14 2017.
The Summit will address the unprecedented ecological, economic and social challenges and opportunities facing the world's cities. There is already strong buy in and support for the Summit from a range of Government and Corporate organisations alongside international associations such as, ICLEI, Metropolis & C40 Cities.
Following on from the resolution passed by the National General Assembly of Local Government to support the Summit we would certainly welcome the involvement and participation of all Australian councils and local government peak bodies through one or more of the following:
- Sending council representatives to the Summit – early bird registration savings are now available
- Submitting papers and/or presentations for consideration through the website Call for Contributions that is closing on February 17 2017
- Considering running a local government forum around the Summit themes concurrently with the ECOCITY World Summit
- Considering how Council might connect with visiting international delegates to further explore and advance local opportunities.
For additional information please visit the Summit website – or contact