President’s column

Australia’s prosperity depends on increasing its productivity and that requires long-term commitment to investment in productive infrastructure by all levels of government and across all regions.

ALGA was joined today by six other national peak organisations to launch a joint statement urging the Government to invest in more productivity-enhancing infrastructure for the long-term interest of our country.

The six organisations included Planning Institute of Australia, National Growth Areas Alliance, Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Australian Logistics Council, Green Building Council of Australia and National Farmer’s Federation.

Most of these are the same organisations that joined ALGA in May last year to publicly advocate for continued Commonwealth funding into long-term infrastructure spending and to call on all political parties ahead of the Federal election to address national productivity and the growing infrastructure shortfall.

These peak bodies have continued their collaboration with ALGA in today’s joint statement calling for improved long-term infrastructure spending, action on a funding mechanism to support investment in priority projects and strengthened Parliamentary oversight of public investment decisions.

The statement highlights the concern of all our organisations that long-term funding for major projects announced during Federal and state elections remains far less than what is required to maintain our standard of living and boost productivity.

We’re also concerned that Australia’s international competitiveness is at risk unless immediate and concerted action is taken.

The statement includes several proposals, including that Infrastructure Australia’s project pipeline should be extended to 30 years, rather than the current 15 years, and that the national, state and territory infrastructure plans should be subjected to Parliamentary debate and approval to provide greater certainty across electoral cycles.

We will be sending the joint statement to all political parties and Federal MP seeking their support.


Mayor David O’Loughlin

 ALGA President