The Australian Local Government Association is calling for Notices of Motions for the 2018 National General Assembly, which will be held from 17-20 June.
Under the theme of "Australia’s Future, Make it Local", debate on NGA motions will focus on strengthening the capacity of Local Government to provide services and infrastructure in Australia.
Councils across Australia are constantly being asked to do more with less. Changing community needs, including ageing populations, technological advancements and changing economic circumstances, are a challenge for all communities.
Analysis suggests a Federal election may well be called in the latter part of this year. The NGA therefore provides an important opportunity to bring Local Government issues into the Federal agenda.
To assist councils identify motions that address the theme of the National General Assembly, ALGA has prepared a short discussion paper.
Click here open the Discussion Paper.
To be eligible for inclusion in the NGA Business Papers, and subsequent debate on the floor of the NGA, motions must meet the following criteria:
- Be relevant to the work of Local Government nationally;
- Be consistent with the themes of the NGA;
- Complement or build on the policy objectives of your state and territory Local Government association;
- Be from a council which is a financial member of its state or territory Local Government association;
- Propose a clear action and outcome; and
- Not be advanced on behalf of external third parties that may seek to use the NGA to pressure Board members or to gain national political exposure for positions that are not directly relevant to the work of, or in the national interests of, Local Government.
Motions need to be lodged by Friday 30 March using the online form here.
All motions require, among other things, a contact officer, a clear national objective, a summary of the key arguments in support of the motion, and endorsement of your council.
Motions should be received by ALGA no later than 11:59pm on Friday 30 March 2018.
Any administrative inquiries can be directed to ALGA by calling 02 6122 9400.