The City of Launceston has signed a City Deal with the State and Federal Governments – but is it really delivering?
The House Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities discussed the formation and implementation of the Launceston City Deal at a public hearing in Hobart this week. The hearing was part of the Committee’s ongoing inquiry into the development of cities.
The City of Launceston, which has already provided a submission to the inquiry, appeared at the hearing.
"Through the establishment of the City Deals and effective implementation of the agreed commitments, regional centres such as Launceston will be poised to help the Australian Government address some the increasing problems associated with unsustainable population growth in the tier one capital cities," the City of Launceston's submission said.
"The role of governments is to ensure the right supports, programs and policies are in place to achieve the objectives of the City Deals."
The Committee also heard from the Government of Tasmania, the City of Hobart, the University of Tasmania, the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Regional Development Australia.
The Australian and Tasmanian governments have also entered into an agreement to develop a City Deal for Hobart in partnership with local governments in the urban Hobart area.
Committee Chair Mr John Alexander OAM MP said many witnesses to the inquiry have had positive things to say about the Australian Government's City Deals, but the Committee has also heard suggestions for improvement.
"It is clear that the City Deals are aligning all three governments and coordinating effort and resources to achieve common objectives," Mr Alexander said.
"But we can’t be complacent, there is always room for improvement and the Committee is interested to hear the perspectives of those who have experienced the formation and implementation of a City Deal first hand."
Further information on the inquiry, including the full terms of reference, is available on the Committee website.