A Metropolis of Three Cities, the first regional plan developed by the Greater Sydney Commission, presents a vision for managing Greater Sydney's growth and enhancing its status as one of the most liveable global cities.
The plan aspires to a 30-minute city, where jobs, services, and quality public spaces are in easy reach of people’s homes. It also sets targets for new housing, with a range of types, tenures and price points to improve affordability.
Chief Commissioner, Lucy Hughes Turnbull AO, said: "I have been inspired by the thousands of individuals, community and interest groups, government agencies and councils, academics, businesses and industry groups who have collaborated with the Greater Sydney Commission on A Metropolis of Three Cities.
"The implementation of A Metropolis of Three Cities will share equitably the benefits of growth across the Greater Sydney Region."
To meet the needs of a growing and changing population, the plan seeks to transform Greater Sydney into a metropolis of three cities:
- the Western Parkland City
- the Central River City
- the Eastern Harbour City
The plan brings new thinking to land use and transport patterns to boost Greater Sydney's liveability, productivity and sustainability.
The aim is to implement the plan through collaborations between all tiers of government, and between governments and key stakeholders including the community, interest groups, businesses, industry groups and nongovernment organisations.
The Western Sydney City Deal, a partnership of the Australian Government, NSW Government and the local governments of the Blue Mountains, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Liverpool, Penrith and Wollondilly will be instrumental in delivering on the aspirations of the Western Parkland City.
The full report is available on the Greater Sydney Commission's website.