Fact Sheet 1: 2018-19 Budget Overview
General overview and economic outlook:
- Global growth continues to improve
- Australia's strong links to Asian Region continue to present opportunities for businesses to export
- Momentum is building and Australia is in its 27th consecutive year of growth
- The economy is expected to grow by 2.75% in 2017-18 and 3% in 2018-19
- In 2017-18 the Budget deficit will be $18.2B less than half of what is was 2 years ago
- In 2018-19 the Budget deficit is predicted to be $14.5b with a slim surplus of $2.2b predicted for 2019-20
Budget Priorities:
- Provide tax relief to encourage and reward working Australians
- Keep backing business to invest and create more jobs
- Guarantee the essential services that Australians rely on
- Keep Australia safe and
- Ensure that the Government lives within its means
Key initiatives and savings measures:
- Tax relief to middle and lower income Australians
- Infrastructure investment across a range of transport projects
- Aged Care Reform including additional home care packages
Of interest to local government:
- $1,229b in Financial Assistance Grants (noting $1.2b bought forward to 2017-18 from 2018-19) (see Fact Sheet 3 for Allocations))
- $24.5b in funding for new transport projects (see Fact Sheet 2)
- Priority for Aged Care funding and support packages – various measures
- $29.7m in 2018-19 to deliver up to 500 local community sporting infrastructure grants of up to $500,000 to improve community sporting facilities
- $50.1m over 4 years to enhance security arrangements to 64 regional airports
- $386.5m cash estimates payments for Natural Disaster and Relief Recovery Arrangements for 2018-19
- $30m over 2 years for Safer Communities Fund – open to local governments to fund crime prevention measures
- $206.5m over 4 years for Round Three of Building Better Regions Fund to support investment in community infrastructure
- $28.3m over 4 years to provide a further three funding rounds for the Remote Airstrip Upgrade component of the Regional Aviation Access Program
- $25.9m for Stronger Communities Program Round Four – small capital projects in regional Australia
- $4.8m for Improving collection of Housing Data by ABS and AHURI
- $1.2m over 4 years to the Regional Australia Institute to inquire into issues affecting regional Australia
Posted 5 August, 2018