
Increase worker satisfaction and productivity? New research says Just add wood!

Internationally there is an increased focus on biophilic design – the process of connecting people with nature. Now, world-leading Australian research has qualified the workplace benefits, these include increased feelings of wellbeing, reduced absenteeism and higher productivity.

The research, conducted by Sydney's Pollinate and the University of Canberra, shows there are benefits in simulating this important connection with nature by using more wood in the built environment.

Employees in offices featuring natural wooden surfaces reported higher personal productivity, mood, concentration, clarity, confidence and optimism. What's more, over 80 per cent of workers exposed to eight or more wooden surfaces in their workplaces reported being 'satisfied or very satisfied' with work.

This information should be a wake-up call to all LGA's to improve the wellbeing and productivity of their staff. And if you do it in conjunction with a wood encouragement policy (WEP) the benefits can be even greater!

To download the full report click here.