Inquiry into the obesity epidemic in Australia

Interested councils have been invited to make a submission to the recently-established Senate Select Committee into the obesity epidemic in Australia.

The committee will inquire into and report on the terms of reference, which can be found on the Parliament of Australia website. The terms of reference include:

  1. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in Australia and changes in these rates over time;
  2. The causes of the rise in overweight and obesity in Australia;
  3. The short and long-term harm to health associated with obesity, particularly in children in Australia;
  4. The short and long-term economic burden of obesity, particularly related to obesity in children in Australia;
  5. The effectiveness of existing policies and programs introduced by Australian governments to improve diets and prevent childhood obesity;
  6. Evidence-based measures and interventions to prevent and reverse childhood obesity, including experiences from overseas jurisdictions;
  7. The role of the food industry in contributing to poor diets and childhood obesity in Australia; and
  8. any other related matters.

If you would like to make a submission, please ensure that the committee receives your submission by Friday 6 July 2018.

The committee is seeking written submissions preferably in electronic form submitted online or sent via email to as an attached Adobe PDF or MS Word format document. The email must include contact details and a postal address.

Alternatively, submissions may be sent to:

Senate Select Committee into the Political Influence of Donations
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Submissions are confidential until the committee releases them. The committee will normally make submissions public unless there is a request for confidentiality. If you have concerns about confidentiality, please get in touch with the committee to discuss these concerns before making your submission.

Notes on making submissions are available from the Parliament of Australia website. The committee secretariat can also help: phone (02) 6277 3228 or email

More information about this inquiry is available on the committee website at: