A blueprint for gathering, processing and using data to plan major national infrastructure projects is set to better inform decision making across the sector and provide insight into Australia's future infrastructure needs.
The National Infrastructure Data Collection and Dissemination Plan (Data Plan) project is part of the Government's agenda for providing the infrastructure Australia needs to continue competing effectively in an ever changing, complex and demanding world.
"The Data Plan sets out how we can more selectively gather and use data to guide better decision making by governments, industry and individuals," Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities, Paul Fletcher, said.
"For example, we are currently involved in a project which uses GPS data shared by freight operators to better understand where congestion is impacting freight movements.
"The plan identifies infrastructure data and information gaps and outlines priority projects aimed at better utilising data to help with infrastructure investment decision making and monitoring the performance of Australia's infrastructure networks."
Projects that are part of the Data Plan involve the collection and use of new and innovative infrastructure data generated by public and private transport and logistics industry enterprises.
An interactive online Infrastructure Performance Dashboard that summarises transport, telecommunications, water and energy data is also being implemented to provide infrastructure users and decision makers with a better understanding of how these infrastructure networks are performing.
"We are also developing new freight performance indicators as part of the Inquiry into National Freight and Supply Chain Priorities, and have published a freight performance dashboard," Minister Fletcher said.
The Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE) developed the Data Plan with assistance from an expert Steering Group made up of infrastructure and transport experts from the public sector, industry and academia.
The Data Plan and further details on the project are available here.