Local governments across the country have embraced the greenlife revolution in an effort to achieve a 20% increase in urban greenlife by 2020.
Greenlife supports local government by contributing to:
- local commerce – research shows that customers prefer shopping in well-tended streets with large trees.
- water management – trees and plants act as a natural water filtration system, reducing the run-off entering sewer systems and waterways and reduce soil erosion
- cooler cities – trees reduce temperatures by up to 8˚C, reducing air conditioner use and carbon emissions by an estimated 12-15% per annum
- health and wellbeing – people who live near parks are proven to exercise more and so have lower levels of obesity and diabetes
- workplace productivity – people working in a place with trees and plants are 17% more productive that those in bare spaces
- community connection – in addition to the mental and physical benefits, green space provide valuable places for people to connect to each other
- clean air – research has found that large, healthy trees remove approximately 70 times more air pollution than smaller healthy trees.
But with concerns about the drought and water restrictions on the horizon for many states, there may be some uncertainty about the use of water for greenlife.
The Nursery & Garden Industry is encouraging the sensible use of water for greenlife and has some tips to help.
- Local government specifiers should source trees and plants from accredited businesses. Businesses accredited under the Nursery Production FMS program are following the industry’s Water Best Management Practice Guidelines. You can find a list of accredited growers here.
- Residents should visit their local garden centre for advice on how to best apply water in gardens and containers.
- Look for products which have received the Smart Approved Water Mark particularly for the latest on innovative irrigation technologies.
For more information visit the www.ngia.com.au or contact the Nursery & Garden Industry Australia 1800 252 468.
Posted 21 December, 2018