A meeting of Arts and Cultural Ministers was held in Canberra on Friday 14 September 2018. ALGA Vice President, Mayor Damien Ryan, attended as local government’s representative.
At this meeting, Ministers endorsed the consultation plan for a renewed National Arts Disability Strategy and agreed to launch the consultation period on 24 September 2018 at Meeting Place, Australia’s leading arts and disability conference. Ministers tasked officials with drafting a renewed strategy, informed by the consultation process, to be considered by Ministers at their meeting in 2019.
Ministers heard a presentation by Mr Craig Ritchie, CEO of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies outlining Australia’s involvement in the United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages and agreed to work together to continue preparing Australia’s Action Plan.
Ministers also noted the work of the National Local Government Cultural Forum and the results of the data collection.
The full communique from the meeting is available on the Department of Communications and the Arts website.