In August ALGA sent letters to Ministers regarding the motions passed at the 2018 NGA. This week we have received four additional ministerial responses.
- The Hon. Michael McCormack MP, Deputy Prime Minister, Minster for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development
- Senator, The Hon. Linda Reynolds, Assistant Minister for Home Affairs
- The Hon. Paul Fletcher MP, Minister for Families and Social Services
- Senator, The Hon. Simon Birmingham, Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment
In his response, Deputy Prime Minister and Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Minister Michael McCormack recognised local government’s significant role in operating transport infrastructure.
Mr McCormack clarified in his response the Statement of Expectations for the Roads to Recovery Program, issued by the Hon Darren Chester MP on 7 November 2017, encourages councils to give greater priority to road safety projects under the program but does not require Roads to Recovery funding to be directed toward safety initiatives. The Statement of Expectations does not change the Roads to Recovery funding conditions and it does not seek to limit the discretion councils have to choose Roads to Recovery projects according to local priorities.
For more information, see the full response from Minister McCormack in the link provided above.