Former Mayor to lead Inland Rail consultative committee in Queensland

A fifth Community Consultative Committee (CCC) has been established by the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) for Inland Rail, appointing a prominent former local Mayor to lead its work.

Long-serving former Scenic Rim Mayor John Brent has been appointed as the Chair and 16 committee members have been selected from the local community through an independently-run process.

“We welcome the appointment of Mr Brent for the Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton CCC. It is great to see ARTC’s ongoing commitment to genuine community engagement for the Inland Rail project,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said.

“Together with the ARTC, we are committed to delivering Inland Rail and are working with communities and land-owners along the route to ensure local knowledge informs the planning of the project,” Mr McCormack said.

The first meeting of the Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton CCC is expected to be held in November.

More information about the Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton project is available at