Australia and NZ join forces on plant biosecurity research

Australia and New Zealand have entered into a new collaboration to strengthen plant biosecurity research.

The Australian Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) will join forces with Better Border Biosecurity, New Zealand (B3 NZ) through a memorandum of understanding.

“We are both committed to working together to deliver plant biosecurity research of mutual benefit to both countries,” said PBRI Chair Greg Fraser.

“Trans-Tasman connections will be facilitated between key elements of our biosecurity research, development and extension systems.”

The main aspects of the new collaboration will involve:

  • cross-sectoral projects on pre-border, at-border and immediate post-border biosecurity research
  • government, industry, research or academic players, including partners of PBRI and B3, and
  • formation of a joint Aus/NZ plant biosecurity network to support the professional development of post-graduate and post-doctoral students.

As part of this collaboration, New Zealand biosecurity researchers will be invited to the inaugural Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative R&D Symposium being held on 5-6 June 2019 in Brisbane.

More information is available at this link: