New funding of $250 million has been announced for the Bridges Renewal and Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programs.
Under revised guidelines for the two programs, project proponents can apply for funding to cover up to 80 percent of the total project cost.
In another first, the BRP and HVSPP will run concurrently and with a rolling application process. In short, applications can be submitted to the Department of Transport, Infrastructure, Regional Development and Communications at any time and when they are needed most.
Submitted applications will be assessed on a competitive basis, with the announcement of initial successful projects expected in the first half of 2022. Thereafter, announcements of successful projects are expected regularly.
Federal Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz said the changes will make the programs “easier to access, more flexible and better aligned to the Commonwealth’s commitment to invest in strategic priority roads and respond to local community needs”.
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