Safer Internet Day (SID) is an annual, worldwide event held on Tuesday 5 February 2019 to help encourage a better internet. The 2019 theme ‘Together for a better internet’ encourages individuals to create a better internet by developing four, critical skills: respect, responsibility, reasoning and resilience.
The Office of the eSafety Commissioner is the official Committee for Safer Internet Day in Australia—responsible for driving the initiative nationally. The Office will run a number of activities and events for individuals and organisations to participate in.
There are a number of ways councils can get involved with SID2019:
- Include content on your website, newsletters or other platforms
- Run internal staff events
- Use #SID2019 or #SaferInternetDay on social media
- Download a supporter kit to use on social media, in your council offices or at your SID event.
Celebrated globally in 130 countries, Safer Internet Day is coordinated by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, and national Safer Internet Centres across Europe.
More information is available on the eSafety Commissioner’s website.