The Australia-New Zealand Emergency Management Committee (ANZEMC) has highlighted ALGA’s key role in national emergency management coordination.
ANZEMC’s latest “On the Radar” newsletter also highlights the activities of state local government associations – all of which work closely with their member councils and state government agencies to improve emergency management.
As well as being a ANZEMC member, ALGA encourages the establishment of programs and initiatives to help local government to adapt and prepare for disaster.
ALGA also advocates for specific funding measures to ensure councils have the resources to undertake risk assessment planning, asset management, and climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.
“On the Radar” contributions from the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA), the Local Government Association of South Australia (LGASA), the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), and Local Government NSW (LGNSW) detail their responses to Covid-19 and the Black Summer Bushfires.
An article from the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) covers the development of the Repeat Events and Dollars Index (REDI) interactive mapping tool designed to councils a clearer view of where money should be spent to prepare communities for natural disasters and help them recover.
The Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) outlines its work in partnering with the state’s Emergency Service to revise, update and move the Municipal Emergency Management Guidelines online.
The e-zine is available to subscribers through GovTEAMS.