Better regulation of end-of-life outcomes for small electrical and electronic equipment (SEEE) and solar photovoltaic (PV) systems will help to reduce waste costs for local councils and communities, according to a new ALGA submission.
ALGA has made a submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for the development of a regulatory product stewardship scheme for SEEE and PV systems. Australia only recovers about a third of the total value of e-waste materials we generate, meaning around $430 million worth of materials, within e-waste, is sent to landfill.
We are supportive of a regulatory approach – aligning with the National Waste Policy Action Plan – for product stewardship for SEEE and PV equipment, with a focus on making industry responsible for end-of-life recycling of their products.
Our submission outlines a number of recommendations addressing the Department’s discussion paper.