Media Contact
Mr Brad Watts
Communications and Media Manager
Phone: 0418 415 649
ALGA President Linda Scott has welcomed the climate bill introduced by the Government into Parliament this week, while highlighting the role councils can play in helping meet national emissions targets. “The 2021 Australian Local Government Climate Review found that more than 70 percent of responding councils have set or are planning ambitious emissions reduction targets+
Posted 27 July, 2022 -
Local government leaders from around Australia gathered in Canberra from 20-22 June 2022 for the 28th National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA). This event was held on the traditional lands of the Ngunnawal people, and the Assembly paid its respects to their elders past, present and emerging, and acknowledged the vital and ongoing contributions+
Posted 22 June, 2022 -
Today councils from across Australia have come together at the 2022 NGA in Canberra to support the people of Ukraine, unanimously passing the following motion: “We the delegates of the 2022 National General Assembly of Local Government stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and its legitimate elected democratic governments in seeking peace, security and stability+
Posted 21 June, 2022 -
Speaking to councillors yesterday afternoon at the National General Assembly (NGA) of Local Government in Canberra, Leader of the National Party David Littleproud said excluding local government from Cabinet was a mistake by the previous Government. ALGA President Linda Scott it was encouraging to see growing support for including local government in national decision-making. “We welcomed+
Posted 20 June, 2022 -
On behalf of Australia’s 537 councils, ALGA President Linda Scott has congratulated incoming Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his new Labor Government. “We look forward to working with our new Federal Government to build a stronger future for our nation that leaves no community behind,” Cr Scott said. “Working together we can deliver a better+
Posted 22 May, 2022 -
Australia’s 537 councils have secured billions of dollars in additional funding for Australian communities in the lead-up to this year’s Federal Election. ALGA President Linda Scott said these funding commitments from the Coalition and Labor will see more federal funding provided to every Australian suburb, town and region. “We often see election commitments targeted to+
Posted 17 May, 2022 -
Labor’s proposed $250 million expansion of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) program would benefit every Australian community through better local sporting facilities, new and upgraded libraries and playgrounds, and safer roads. ALGA President Linda Scott said local governments had strongly advocated to both major parties for more LRCI funding in the lead-up to+
Posted 4 May, 2022 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) are calling on the next Federal Government to include local government representation on National Cabinet. ALGA President Linda Scott said including local government on National Cabinet and key ministerial meetings and forums such as the Council on Federal Financial Relations would help create+
Posted 2 May, 2022 -
Working with the Commonwealth, councils can reduce the 20 million tonnes of rubbish sent to Australian landfills each year while creating new jobs across our nation. ALGA President Linda Scott said Australia faces a looming waste and recycling crisis without immediate and sustained investment from all three tiers of government. “We are running out of+
Posted 19 April, 2022 -
Councils are committed to partnering with the next Federal Government to reduce the social and economic disadvantages experienced by many Indigenous Australians. ALGA President Linda Scott said local governments are seeking a $100 million per year fund that would support the capacity of councils to Close the Gap and help implement the Local and Regional+
Posted 14 April, 2022 -
Australians can’t afford a lack of action from the next Federal Government on disaster mitigation. ALGA President Linda Scott said natural disasters currently cost Australia $38 billion a year and are forecast to rise to as much as $94 billion by 2060. “We know we can’t completely avoid future disaster events, but we can better+
Posted 12 April, 2022 -
With stronger funding partnerships, councils could help deliver more affordable housing, reduce cost-of-living pressures for families, provide safer local roads, and increase profits for Australian businesses. ALGA President Linda Scott said sustained investment in local government infrastructure would unlock a wide range of benefits. “Expanding the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program would support councils+
Posted 7 April, 2022 -
Local libraries, playgrounds, sporting grounds and community centres are at risk unless the Federal Government addresses the downward slide in Financial Assistance Grants provided to councils. Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) President Linda Scott said the total value of these grants as a percentage of Commonwealth taxation revenue had dropped in this week’s Federal Budget+
Posted 1 April, 2022 -
Strong advocacy from the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and Australia’s 537 councils has delivered a $500 million extension of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program in tonight’s 2022-23 Federal Budget. ALGA President Linda Scott said this extension would help councils deliver more libraries, sporting facilities, community centres, bike paths and playgrounds in their local+
Posted 29 March, 2022 -
Alongside Australia’s 537 councils, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is urging the Government to extend its highly successful Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program in Tuesday’s Federal Budget to create jobs, drive economic development, and ensure no community is left behind. ALGA President Linda Scott said this $2.5 billion program has assisted Australia’s+
Posted 27 March, 2022 -
With more than three million Australian homes and businesses at risk, the Government must prioritise funding for natural disaster mitigation in next week’s Federal Budget. Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) President Linda Scott said the NSW and Queensland floods showed Australia is failing to adequately plan for natural disasters. “These floods have devastated our communities,+
Posted 25 March, 2022 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has hailed the Prime Minister’s $60 million expansion of the Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) and the CSIRO’s new $50 million Ending Plastic Waste Mission as big wins for Australia’s councils and communities. ALGA President Linda Scott said local government has consistently advocated for greater investment in waste and circular+
Posted 23 March, 2022 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has called for more disaster mitigation and climate change funding to help increase Australia’s future resilience to fires and floods. ALGA President Linda Scott said local government is seeking a targeted $200 million per year disaster mitigation fund, as well as $200 million over four years for a Local+
Posted 3 March, 2022 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has used its 2022-23 Federal Pre-Budget Submission to outline a series of partnership opportunities that would help drive a strong and inclusive national recovery. ALGA President Linda Scott said Australia’s 537 local government have the capacity for growing partnerships with the Commonwealth Government – as well as state and+
Posted 7 February, 2022 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed $5.5 million in Commonwealth regional arts funding through the Australia Council’s Playing Australia touring program. President Linda Scott said this funding was timely, given the challenges Australia’s performing arts sector has faced over the past two years. “Our community arts sector has been hit hard by the+
Posted 20 January, 2022 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed a pre-election commitment from Federal Labor to invest up to $200 million per year in disaster prevention and resilience. President Linda Scott said that ALGA had asked all political parties to support such a program through its 2022 Federal Election Platform. “Currently, less than five percent of+
Posted 12 January, 2022 -
New research shows that around one in 10 Australian libraries, recreation and sporting facilities, community centres, stormwater systems, swimming pools, local airports, bridges and roads are in poor condition with significant defects, requiring increased maintenance or in some cases replacement. ALGA President Linda Scott said this finding in ALGA’s 2021 National State of the Assets+
Posted 17 December, 2021 -
A Morrison Government pledge to increase the recycling of waste plastic, glass, paper, and other products has been welcomed by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). The Remade in Australia recycling initiative announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Sydney on Monday includes a renewed focus on improving recovery rates by getting consumers to buy+
Posted 7 December, 2021 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed the release of guidelines for the $150 million community infrastructure component of the Commonwealth’s $600 million Preparing Australia Program. The Program is focused on disaster preparedness and responds to recommendations of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements aimed at better preparing communities for more severe+
Posted 9 November, 2021 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed a new Commonwealth Remote Roads Upgrade Pilot Program that will offer councils 80 to 100 percent of required funding to make unsealed local roads safer and more productive. Over 75 percent of Australia’s road network by length – about 678,000km in total – is owned and managed+
Posted 4 November, 2021 -
A new resource to accelerate efforts to provide greater opportunities for Indigenous Australians at the local community level has been published by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). Developed by ALGA and its state and territory association members, the guide sets out key actions councils can undertake to meet the priority reforms laid out under+
Posted 29 September, 2021 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has applauded calls for the nation’s 537 councils to be given greater backing to protect local communities from the accelerating impacts of climate change. A landmark Climate Council/City Powers Partnership report published this week found extreme weather events driven by global warming are taking a growing toll on community+
Posted 23 September, 2021 -
Australia’s efforts to address and respond to climate change are not taking full advantage of the opportunity to partner with local government for more effective emissions reduction, mitigation, and adaptation solutions. Speaking after a meeting of the Global Covenant of Mayors Oceania, Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) President Linda Scott said the impacts of global+
Posted 15 September, 2021 -
Local government has renewed its commitment to preventing violence against women and children, saying it wants to work more closely with other levels of government to drive outcomes. Attending this week’s National Summit on Women’s Safety, Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) President Linda Scott called for dedicated domestic and family violence prevention officers in every+
Posted 7 September, 2021 -
23 August, 2021 The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed extra funding to help council-run early childhood education and care (ECEC) centres survive current lockdown restrictions. As a result of advocacy by Australian local governments, from today, early education and care centres impacted by extended Covid-19 lockdowns in NSW, Victoria, and the ACT will+
Posted 31 August, 2021 -
Joint Federal and NSW government financial assistance for businesses and households impacted by the Greater Sydney lockdowns has been welcomed by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). The $5.1 billion package includes payments for businesses and households impacted by current lockdowns, and followed calls for support from Local Government NSW, an ALGA member. A Federal+
Posted 16 July, 2021 -
18 June 2021 Municipal leaders from across Australia will meet in Canberra next week to call for local government to be reinstated to National Cabinet. They are also expected to press the Federal Government to increase financial assistance to local government to ensure councils can respond more effectively to the social and economic impacts of+
Posted 25 June, 2021 -
20 June 2021 A national forum will today look at how rural and regional councils are successfully delivering jobs and economic leadership to ensure the COVID-inspired bush renaissance of 2020-21 is enduring and widespread. Convened by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), the forum will take the bush’s temperature, examine economic and political trends, and+
Posted 25 June, 2021 -
22 June 2021 Delegates to the 27th National General Assembly of Local Government have backed moves to give Indigenous Australians a greater say in how they address entrenched disadvantage in their local communities. A motion put forward by East Arnhem Regional Council to support nationally consistent recognition of Aboriginal controlled councils was carried unanimously at+
Posted 25 June, 2021 -
23 June 2021 The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed Labor’s pledge to include local government in the National Cabinet. Federal Labor Leader Anthony Albanese told delegates at the 27th National General Assembly of Local Government today that people expected the three tiers of government to work together on their behalf, particularly as the+
Posted 25 June, 2021 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed the Federal Government’s endorsement of the key role councils are playing in creating jobs and supporting local communities by leading a locally led economic recovery from the COVID pandemic. ALGA President Councillor Linda Scott said the key measures outlined in last night’s Federal Budget, including a $1+
Posted 11 May, 2021 -
The Australian Local Government Association has welcomed the announcement by the Federal Government of investments in major projects totaling more than $10 billion and called for similar commitments in local government infrastructure. The new commitments, expected to create more than 23,000 direct and indirect jobs, form part of the Commonwealth’s 10-year land transport and infrastructure+
Posted 10 May, 2021 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has hailed the Federal Government’s National Plastics Plan 2021 as an important milestone on the road to a more environmentally and economically sustainable future. Released following long-standing ALGA advocacy for stronger action on national waste reduction and recycling, the plan will help achieve many of the 2020 National Waste+
Posted 16 March, 2021 -
The Federal Government’s new tourism and aviation support package will do little to ease the crisis facing many regional airports, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) said today. While acknowledging the $1.2 billion package will help the struggling aviation and regional tourism sectors transition past the end of the JobKeeper program, ALGA said it offered+
Posted 11 March, 2021 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed Federal Opposition Labor leader Anthony Albanese’s commitment to include Local Government in National Cabinet should the ALP win the next federal election. ALGA had been a member of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) until it was abolished and replaced by National Cabinet last May. ALGA President+
Posted 10 March, 2021 -
Infrastructure Australia’s new focus on ensuring that all communities have access to quality infrastructure has been welcomed by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). The infrastructure advisory body has added 44 new proposals to its 2021 Infrastructure Priority List prioritising: Improved digital connectivity; Support for economic development in regional communities; Road and freight connectivity to+
Posted 26 February, 2021 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has renewed calls for public grants to councils and community organisations to be assessed against transparent criteria and awarded on merit. It comes amidst allegations that some state and commonwealth government grants and funding programs, including the Safer Communities Fund, have been “gerrymandered”. ALGA President Linda Scott said the+
Posted 11 February, 2021 -
To ensure the Covid-19 vaccination program is delivered safely and efficiently, the Federal Government should include frontline council workers in the cohort receiving the first shots, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) says. Councils employ a significant number of aged care and disability care staff and ALGA is pleased this cohort has already been identified+
Posted 5 February, 2021 -
Recognising and supporting local government’s proven ability to work on behalf of its communities will help cement Covid-19 recovery, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) said this week. In its 2021-22 Pre-Budget Submission, ALGA has urged the Morrison Government to prioritise local jobs, infrastructure investment, and community wellbeing initiatives. Economic recovery from Covid-19 and the+
Posted 4 February, 2021 -
Australia’s premier local roads conference being held in Wagga Wagga NSW this week has been expanded to address 2020’s biggest events – the Black Summer bushfires and the Covid-19 pandemic. The profound impacts these two disasters have had on local communities will be a major focus of the expanded two-day event being convened by the+
Posted 15 November, 2020 -
Sydney City Councillor Linda Scott has been elected President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) – the national voice of local government representing over 500 councils nationwide. Councillor Scott was elected to the position unopposed at ALGA’s annual general meeting on Friday – and will succeed David O’Loughlin, whose second (and maximum) two-term stint+
Posted 13 November, 2020 -
Further Commonwealth support for local government in the Federal Budget will help deliver the targeted short-term stimulus critical to national economic recovery and growth. Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) President David O’Loughlin commended Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s announcement of a further $1 billion investment in the local roads and community infrastructure as a vote of confidence+
Posted 6 October, 2020 -
The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has welcomed new Federal Government support for regional and remote communities hard-hit by Covid-19, drought, and last summer’s bushfires. Today’s announcements by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack include two new initiatives – a Regional Recovery Partnerships Program and Resilient Regional Leaders+
Posted 5 October, 2020 -
16 June 2019 A new study of the media in regional Australia has found fewer local journalists available to report on local government means communities are less informed, leading to public opinion being more easily manipulated by partisan interests, undermining social cohesion. It was conducted this year by the Public Interest Journalism Initiative, and forms+
Posted 16 June, 2019 -
Mayors, councillors and local government representatives have donated coats for the homeless and those in need as part of a coat drive ahead of National Coat Day, which is run by Enormity on 14 July. The coats are being collected at the 2018 National General Assembly of Local Government, currently being held at the National+
Posted 19 June, 2018 -
The Opposition’s call today to end the freeze to the indexation of Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs) addresses the challenges being faced by local councils as a result of the Government-imposed freeze and demonstrates that council funding must be a focus in the forthcoming budget. According to the peak national body for local government, the Australian+
Posted 11 April, 2018 -
The Australian Local Government Association welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement of new reforms intended to improve the focus and operation of Regional Development Australia (RDA) committees. The measures announced by Regional Development Minister Fiona Nash on Friday include a minor reduction in the number of committees, the establishment of new performance measures to enable improved+
Posted 18 August, 2017