• The 2024 National State of the Assets Report – Future proofing our communities is the 6th in a series of comprehensive reports commissioned by ALGA, based on survey data from 458 councils (about 85 per cent of local governments) across eight asset categories. The report was prepared with the support of IPWEA. Download a copy of+

  • The 2021 National State of the Assets Report – Our Assets, Our Opportunity is the 5th in a series of comprehensive reports commissioned by ALGA, based on survey data from 454 councils across seven asset categories. The report was prepared in partnership with IPWEA. Download your copy of the summary and Full technical report, and+

  • $30 billion is required to renew and replace ageing infrastructure that is needed now. This is the beginning of the renewal of the infrastructure built during the “baby boom” and rapid growth period in the 60’s and 70’s. There has been a steady increase in renewal spending since 2005, but the proportion of infrastructure in+

  • The 2015 National State of the Assets 2015: Roads & Community Infrastructure Report summarises the outcomes of the data provided by 230 or 41% of local governments across Australia with a reported gross replacement value of $180 billion in local infrastructure under management. The report provides: A sound rationale and model for appropriate and targeted+

  • Most major and other roads have a local dimension. In particular, this includes ensuring that “first and last mile” issues are addressed. This aspect highlights the need for integrated planning involving all levels of government. Of the 344 councils sampled in 2013, 217 updated their data and a further 52 councils have provided their data+

  • The 2013 National State of the Assets Report was launched at ALGA’s National Local Roads and Transport Congress on 13 November 2013.  The report is based on data provided by 183 urban councils and 161 rural councils, covering $98.3bn in assets under management. The report found that while councils indicated that the majority of concrete bridges+