Chance for LGs to inform national vertebrate pests policy

Council staff are again being urged to contribute to research into local government strategies and work practices in vertebrate pest and weed management.

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR), and the Invasive Species Council (ISC) are conducting the research based on a survey of local governments.

The goal is to better inform policymakers at a national level on management priorities in relation to established vertebrate pests and weeds, and resource allocation to mitigate their impacts.

At this stage, the research team would appreciate if the relevant individual/s could complete a short questionnaire to provide the contact details of someone able to complete a follow-up questionnaire on the following topics:

  • data holdings on the distribution of vertebrate pests and weeds;
  • involvement in studies on non-market environmental and social impacts of vertebrate pests and weeds;
  • expenditures to manage vertebrate pests and weeds and their impacts; and
  • approaches and obstacles to invasive species and ecosystems management.

A more detailed questionnaire will be emailed to those nominated individuals in early 2022.

The information provided will be used for research purposes only and will remain confidential.

Participation in this research is voluntary and will not affect any government assistance that a council receives.

Contact Alex Van der Meer Simo at the ABARES Biosecurity and Social Science Program team at or 02 5156 5936 for more information about the survey and what it means for councils.