ALGA’s federal election document has called for the repair of federal funding to local government by restoring the level of Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs) to at least 1% of Commonwealth taxation revenue (CTR) – levels last seen in 1996.
Councils and state/territory associations were urged to lend their voices to the sector’s call for all federal political parties to respond to the 1% push.
Conversations in Canberra with Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie, Minister for Regional Services, Sport, Local Government and Decentralisation, have reinforced that the message is getting through and being heard by the Minister and her federal parliamentary colleagues.
Thank you to the associations and councils that have made their support for the sector’s 1% campaign known to their local members and senators – the value of consistent and persistent messaging is key to our advocacy and it is gathering momentum.
This is a call to all mayors and councillors to take the opportunity over the summer in your engagement with your local MPs and senators to continue pushing for FAGs to be restored to 1% of CTR. ALGA and state/territory local government associations have made this simple by preparing a federal election advocacy kit, which is available at
If we can get enough federal representatives and candidates championing our local priorities, we can ultimately get support from the government and more projects delivered for our communities.