A draft strategy to build a nationally sustainable supply of native seed to enable environmental disaster recovery has gone on public exhibition.
Developed by Greening Australia as part of the national response to the 2019-20 bushfires, the 10-year native seed and landscape restoration strategy (Project Phoenix) is a roadmap for growing the sector.
As well as setting objectives to enable Australia to restore and rehabilitate landscapes damaged by bushfires and to support biodiversity, the draft strategy also canvasses commercial, employment, and economic opportunities associated with soil seed banks, seed stores, and native seed production networks.
Local government plays a significant role in the native seed and plant sector and as such Greening Australia is keen to hear the views of councils and associations on its draft strategy.
Public submissions are open until 7 August, after which the strategy will be finalised between the Project Phoenix External Steering Committee and the Commonwealth, with a launch scheduled for September 2021.
For more information on the strategy and Project Phoenix, and to read reports, go to the Project Phoenix webpage.