In September 2020, Commonwealth legislation requiring developers to give new housing developments better access to modern telecommunications came into effect.
To help raise awareness of the requirements for pit and pipe installations, particularly amongst smaller developers and owner-builders, the federal Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC) is asking local councils and other relevant organisations to provide links from their development application webpages to information provided by the department.
DITRDC has suggested the following lines to accompany the link:
If you are a developer or owner-builder, there are important Commonwealth telecommunications rules you need to comply with. For more information visit
The department has consulted with state and territory planning departments and they support the multi-prong strategy to raise developer awareness about the Commonwealth requirements.
State and territory planning departments are looking at adding links to their own websites, with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) having already done so: (scroll down)
DITRDC encourages councils to include links to its website from their planning webpages.
The department will get the material on its website up to date.
Contact DITRDC at regarding any queries or comments.
DITRDC intends to contact councils and other development-related organisations directly to further promote this initiative and is asking councils to let it know if they add the link to their website.