More than 175 local governments have nominated nearly a thousand projects for funding under the Commonwealth’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program.
The update was provided last week by Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack, two months after the Government announced the $500 million program to support councils and communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mr McCormack said: “This week we have got money out the door to the first of more than 40 projects to begin under [the LRCI].
“Projects being supported include the sealing of more than five kilometres of Glen Davis Road by Lithgow Council in NSW and the installation of accommodation units at Mortlake Caravan Park by Moyne Shire Council in Victoria.”
Federal Local Government Minister Mark Coulton has urged all local councils to “get the ball rolling” on seeking support for their priority road and local community funding initiatives.
“They are the perfect partners to deliver this economic stimulus as they work directly with their communities to deliver outcomes for their communities.”
“We expect local governments to, where possible, use local businesses and workforces to deliver projects, ensuring stimulus flows directly to local communities.”
For more information on the LRCI Program click here.