Round 2 grants under the Driver Reviver Site Upgrade Program have been announced, with 71 roadside rest areas in line for improvements.
The grants, totalling $7.2 million, will go towards improving amenities and equipment such as shelters, picnic tables, power and water facilities, barbecues, parking, lighting, and kitchen facilities.
Driver Reviver Australia national director Allan McCormac has welcomed the new grants, saying they will greatly help volunteers support motorists to manage fatigue on long journeys, reducing the risk of crashes causing deaths and serious injuries.
“They give up their own time to promote road safety by providing travellers with free beverages, snacks and conversation,” Mr McCormac said.
“Driver Reviver has been operating in Australia for 30 years and community-led by hard-working volunteers from many service organisations and community groups,” he added.
Click here for a full list of Round 2 grant recipients.