The second stage of consultations with people with disability on a new National Disability Strategy for beyond 2020 were due to take place in the coming weeks. However, following the escalation of events surrounding the Australian response to COVID-19, the decision has been taken to defer the consultations.
This decision reflects the advice of the National Disability Strategy Reform Steering Group, which includes a number of key disability and carer sector stakeholders. The Steering Group will reassess the opportunity to implement the next phase of consultation in June 2020. A decision will be made then to determine if some or all of the consultations can proceed at that time.
The development of a new 10 year National Disability Strategy is of critical importance to the national disability policy agenda in Australia. The delay in consultations will not have any direct impact on the provision of services for people with disability. Governments remain committed to a new NDS and believe it is essential that Australians with disability have a real and robust opportunity to have their say on the Strategy and contribute to its development. Our aim is to ensure Australians with disability get this opportunity at a time that is appropriate for them.