The Productivity Commission has released an issues paper as part of its review of the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA).
Implemented in July 2018, the NHHA is intended to facilitate cooperation between the state, territory, and Commonwealth governments to improve housing outcomes.
The Commission will examine the roles and responsibilities of government to help it determine the NHHA’s effectiveness.
It will also canvass the question of whether local governments (who are not parties to the current agreement) should be parties to the next agreement.
To support local government’s efforts in addressing affordable housing and homelessness, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is calling on the major parties in the forthcoming election to commit to:
- Developing a National Housing Strategy;
- Seeking to have a national housing summit;
- Reinstating a national governance model to address affordable housing and homelessness that includes local government; and
- Acknowledging local government’s role in housing by providing funding of $200 million over four years to assist councils to develop and implement innovative housing partnerships.
The question of where funding under the NHHA agreement is directed, namely housing and homelessness services and programs, will also be the focus of the Productivity Commission review.
Submissions on the issues paper are due by 21 February 2022, and the PC expects to hand its final report to the federal government in June 2022.
Visits the commission’s homepage to download and read the issues paper and make a submission.